The film follows General Trius, a legendary military leader from the distant planet Hondo, marooned on Earth for years after being assigned a mission to save his people from an impending comet, and with killer chops on the banjo. He goes by Bill. His mission was to find a planet to take for the people of Hondo, but he discovered something commonplace here on Earth that he had never before experienced: music. He grows to love the human race, which now includes a wife and daughter (the first half-human/half-Hondonian in the universe, I suspect).
Kevin, another Hondonian, is sent to finish General Trius' mission but ends up joining with him and forming a loveably goofy and truly rocking folk-duo. Beautiful insanity ensues as they attempt to escape the law, fight off assassins, and win the heart of the women of their dreams, all while attempting to stop the comet on its way to kill Hondo and save the planet earth from a terrible fate.
This flick's short 85-minute running time is padded with glorious, full-on musical numbers as the duo of Future Folk just can't keep from expressing how much they love music. They sing their hearts out in fantastic form about the perils of living far from Hondo and once they start you'll be begging for more (I especially loved the song "Space Worms"). This was just pure delight from beginning to end. Please go find and watch this movie. And in case you're wondering, this would qualify for an easy PG-rating (nothing more than a few shots of lasers).
Available in Video On Demand everywhere including Amazon & iTunes. Currently streaming for Netflix subscribers.
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